Swingset accidents are on the rise today, which threatens the popularity of this favorite childhood pastime. Thanks to a number of recent tragedies involving playground equipment, authorities have begun to take a hard look at swings, slides and monkey bars. When children are injured or killed by faulty playground equipment, it’s important to take the product manufacturers to task to ensure more children are not harmed. If your child has been hurt while on a swingset and you have reason to believe faulty equipment was to blame, it may be time to seek the opinion of a legal professional.

Common Injuries from Swingsets

You have likely watched children jump from swings, push other kids off or out of them, or get kicked because they ran in front of a swing. These incidents can result in injury, but they are usually minor and not caused by product defects. In some cases, however, when a child is harmed or killed by playground equipment that malfunctions, issues of product defect liability come into play. Some of these injuries may be quite serious and require expensive hospital stays, broken bones and/or head injuries, all common after a child falls from a broken swing. In addition, pinch points can lead to neck injuries, and a tangled swing or climbing rope can strangle a child. Cuts, burns and deep contusions have also been reported from faulty playground equipment. To prove neglect on the part of the manufacturer, however, the court will require evidence that such injuries could have been avoided with safer equipment.

When to Seek Legal Help

If your child suffered only minor injuries on the playground, you might be tempted to move on from the incident rather than trying to prove negligence on the part of the swingset manufacturer. Before you do so, however, contact a lawyer who has experience with product defect litigation to explore the facts of your case. Bringing a clear case of negligence or product defect to light may prevent another child from being injured or killed on faulty playground equipment. In addition, you may get your child’s medical bills paid for and ensure that they will be protected if any hidden damage or side effects emerge in the future.

Preparing for Your Consultation

Prior to your appointment with an attorney, assemble any documentation that you may have (medical reports or photographs of the injuries) and be prepared to discuss the event in detail. This will help your lawyer determine whether you should proceed with the case. Your attorney has the resources to identify other cases involving similar playground equipment and to assemble enough documentation to justify a product defect case.

If your child has sustained a serious injury while using playground equipment, contact the Montgomery Dowdle Law Offices as soon as possible. Their experienced attorneys will evaluate your case and assist you in pursuing justice in the case of any playground or swingset accident.