When you purchase a new product, you expect the product will perform as advertised, and you would be fully justified for having that expectation. However, sometimes your expectations are not met and your trust is broken by the manufacturer. At times, this broken trust might not be the only way you are wronged by the manufacturer of a defective product, and you or a family member might have been seriously injured or even killed. When you purchase a product you never expect serious injury or death to result because the product was poorly designed or negligently manufactured.

Unfortunately, serious and life-altering defective product injuries occur every day and can forever impact your life and the lives of your family members. The Idaho personal injury attorneys at Montgomery Dowdle believe we need to hold negligent companies accountable for their unsafe products and is willing to fight to make sure that is exactly what happens, particularly in cases which resulted in death for those manufacturer’s customers. We believe that injured product victims should have a way to fight back and should stand up to these corporations in order to demand adequate compensation for the wrong that’s been done to them.

If you find yourself in a situation like this, please don’t feel like you have no one to turn to or that you have to fight these corporations by yourself. At Montgomery Dowdle Law Offices of Boise Idaho, we stand ready to help you stand firm and fight back and we encourage you to contact us for a free consultation.

We know that your life may never go back to the way it was before you suffered an injury from your defective product purchase, but we can and will help you received compensation. We want to help get you the money you deserve.

My initial experience with the insurance company after my car accident was a nightmare. I tried to handle the case myself but the stress of my unpaid medical bills, collection companies, and the constant fight with the insurance company kept me up at night. I was getting jerked around and knew I needed help. I contacted Gary Montgomery and explained my case. He took over and my stress melted away. Gary obtained the policy limit and put a hefty chunk of change in my pocket. All I had to do was sign a few papers and Gary did the rest. If you’re battling insurance companies and you have a valid case, get Gary Montgomery to represent you, it’s the best choice I made in my case.




If you've been injured in an accident, or lost a loved one due to the negligence of another person, we can help. With our many years of experience, we have provided hundreds of good people with the legal assistance the've needed to navigate the uncertainties of an accident claim and obtain the compensation they deserve.  We will do the same for you.


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