by Bill | Dec 2, 2018 | Boise Idaho Attorney, Personal Injury Help
There are numerous misconceptions floating around about personal injury claims. This is concerning in that when people are not properly informed they may fail to make a claim and collect money they are entitled to for injuries or they may make costly mistakes in the...
by Gary Montgomery | Apr 18, 2017 | Boise Idaho Attorney, Personal Injury Help
When I first visit with Clients, they usually want to know what happens when they hire an attorney. What’s the process? What are the fees? How long does it take? How will they pay their medical bills? These are all great questions. So I put together a quick...
by Montgomery Law | Mar 23, 2016 | Boise Idaho Attorney, Personal Injury Help
In Idaho, personal injury statutes provide you with a means to recover financial compensation for harm you have suffered due to someone else’s negligence or intentional actions. But as for how much money you can recover, the sky isn’t the limit. Like many other...
by Montgomery Law | Dec 14, 2015 | Boise Idaho Attorney, Car Accidents, Personal Injury Help
Calling a personal injury lawyer may not be the first thought you have as the victim of an automobile accident, but experts suggest that maybe it should be. Most people — after seeking medical attention and notifying the police, of course — reach out to their...
by Montgomery Law | Dec 9, 2015 | Boise Idaho Attorney
You might want to keep a personal injury attorney on speed dial if you plan to do any holiday shopping this year. Thousands of people each year are injured while visiting stores, shopping centers or malls. Retail establishments may seem harmless, but hazards do exist,...
by Montgomery Law | Jul 16, 2015 | Boise Idaho Attorney, Personal Injury Help
Personal injury lawsuits require the demonstration of specific types of proof in order to be successful. Every year millions of people are injured, and in many of these cases, someone else’s negligence was the cause. People who have been personally injured in an...