Far too many people are seriously injured or lose their lives from construction accidents.  Even though construction companies are supposed to use the utmost care around dangerous sites, thousands of construction workers experience injuries on construction sites every year.  Reported Data from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health shows that construction workers experience more than 100,000 injuries every year. If you, or someone you know, have been hurt on a building site, get in touch with a knowledgeable Idaho construction accident lawyer to help safeguard your legal rights.

A construction accident can happen due to a number of unsafe conditions. Construction companies are supposed to take precautions with their staff, such as using fall safeguards. Nonetheless, OSHA reports that about 100 construction worker deaths are brought on every year because of fall injuries and thousands more are injured because of falls. Construction companies are supposed to use devices such as guardrail protection and devices for individual fall arrest. Managed access areas can also be used to help avoid falls. Workers should also be carefully educated in how to avoid falls and how to utilize fall safety systems. Other construction accidents are caused by construction equipment that is faulty, such as scaffolds, ladders, safety harnesses and defective equipment.

Because construction accidents can often be complicated and usually entail multiple types of claims, it is very important to get the help of a qualified Idaho construction accident lawyer. Your attorney can describe the connection between a Workers’ Compensation claim, disability claim and tort action. The outcome of a Workers’ Compensation claim or a disability claim may affect your ability to recover damages under a tort action. Even though you may be able to compensation for lost wages or a lump sum payment from Workers’ Compensation, you may also be able to make an additional tort claim against a person or company party that was involved in your accident that was not your employer, such as a contractor or a product manufacturer.

A good construction law attorney can also help you with proving your case. He or she will carry out a detailed investigation to prove that the accountable party acted in a negligent way and caused your injury. He or she may also retain the services of an expert witness that can expalin how the construction company violated OSHA guidelines or how a faulty construction design or product contributed to the accident. Your attorney will then assess your claim to make sure that you obtain the maximum settlement. You are entitled to receive damages such as:

  • Lost income
  • Medical expenses
  • Loss of the enjoyment of life
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of services
  • Pain and suffering

If you have been injured on the job or at a construction site, contact an experienced Idaho construction accident lawyer for help. The Lawyers at Montgomery Dowdle Law will review your case for Free. Call Now 208-378-8882